
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

उलटी दुनिया

ग्रीष्म ऋतु के बाद पतझड़ आता है
और पतझड़ के बाद आती है शरद ऋतु
शरद ऋतु के जाने पर वसंत स्वागत करता है
और वर्ष हो जाता है बेहोश

मृत्यु के बाद बूढ़े होकर
यदि पुनः जन्म लेते हैं
और पहाड़ी के नीचे
और जवान होकर एक दूसरे के गले लगते हैं

हमारे यहाँ तो ऐसे ही चलता है
क्योंकि जो भी हम यहाँ
देख रहे हैं
यह एक उलटी दुनिया है

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Shepherd Gergely's spoon (Stories about the King Matthias of Hungary)

It once happened with Gergely the shepherd, he was invited for dinner by the King Matthias. He went there:
The king ordered that everyone be given a spoon but the shepherd must not be given a spoon.
When the placed the food in front of the shepherd, he scraped the bread from inside, gave it a shape of spoon and ate away the soup.

Then he said:
"The man who does not eat his spoon , is wicked"
The king Matthias awarded him a sack full of gold. But the shepherd said to the king that he does not need the gold, to him the rainfall in may is worth more than the gold, he said that with that sack of gold only he can rejoice but with the rainfall in May the whole country will be happy.