
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Psychology: The crisis frightens the italians, one in three would leave the country

Roma, 23 nov.
The economic recession and the market crisis frightens the Italians. It makes them live in a state of alarm, so much that one in three would leave the country. Before it goes to the dogs. This is the picture which emerges from a study by Eurodap, European Association of disturbances from panic attacks, carried out on a sample of 800 persons.

“The test taken- affirms Paola Vinciguerra, psychotherapist and president of the Association- asked the persons to express oneself on various situations of the daily life, work shakiness, health, social relations, relations with the partner. According to the responses obtained it can be said that today one in three Italians lives from a long time now , at least for two years in a state of alarm. He fears. Perceives Italy as a dangerous and hazardous place. Some fears are even justified rationally like those in the case of criminality or of the phenomenon of immigration, of the absence of future for oneself and one’s kids. While in other cases their own and even irrational phobias can develop”, adds the expert.

According to Vinciguerra, “ these persons live in an agonizing sense of shakiness, fear of losing immediately all that they have. In this way their life is heavily influenced by a continuous state of alarm, linked to all the aspects of daily life, including the work and the interpersonal relations. All this provokes inevitably some responses of psychophysical uneasiness- adds- which initially can show with a sharp increase of irritability, insomnia, headache, muscular pains, increase in tiredness, eating problems”.

All these discomforts, if ignored, according to Vinciguerra, can transform into real and true diseases like “ gastritis, diabetes, heart condition and at psychological level general anxiety, panic attacks, depression. It is vital – adds the expert – to become aware of the liberty that we are deprived of due to these fears and of the way we are compelled to behave.

For Vinciguerra, “the first essential step in order to reorganize this perception of constant danger is that of reinforcing the confidence in each one of us, bettering the state of anxiety and stress with which we are living”.

To help to manage better this moment of great difficulty, Eurodap has organized a day against the stress. On 6th December is planned a course of 3 hours to teach the relaxing and anxiety management techniques.

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