
Sunday, December 4, 2011



Difficult minutes, hours accompany the journey

Should we forgive or sacrifice- ourselves

The more often this happens, more poisonous thorns grow inside us, though we forget them

When our soul pours, flares up the love, affection

Should we sacrifice ourselves, should we extinguish our ego because of it

Since the feeling still sticks there

Do we get surprised sometimes?

Do we ask a lot from the God: please permit me, to permit the feeling that sticks to go away

We extinguish our ego, we live theatrically,

Question: Within us where is the real ego?

Till we realize this, its already late to realize.

Then we are left alone with ourselves, face to face

Consciously with our own real ego !

We have wasted our brief life for useless people

Translated by me from Hungarian Megbocsátás by Andresin Jozséf

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